- by Cate Winny
As long as you are physically capable and able to think, it is never too late to change your career. It is said that the average age for a career change is 33. Indeed, most people at this age are still active, healthy, and vibrant. Therefore, it is not easy to completely change his profession. However, people between the ages of 40 and 50 face an age trend. Although companies cannot officially discriminate against candidates on the grounds of age, they rarely select candidates over 40 whose expertise is in a completely different field. However, if you want to be away from the fantastic 80% of people who feel wrong, then you need to overcome the inevitable obstacles on the road to freedom and happiness.
Dangerous work
Most people cannot cope with a late-career change because they are not prepared to take the risk. Although I hate the job, the money you save guarantees a kind of financial security. Every day you take this position at work is a lost day. The average working life is 40-50 years. Losing 10-15 of these years in a job because of money significantly limits your hopes for freedom. This is especially true if this job does not pay well enough to allow you to save.
Change for the right reasons.
You also need to make sure that this change of job is for the right reasons. Usually, careers follow three steps:
* The employee is initially enthusiastic about the work because it is new. Therefore, the job is seen as challenging and exciting.
* Once the basics are mastered, the employee feels more comfortable at work. There is still enough to learn how to rise to the challenge and maintain employee satisfaction.
Most aspects of the job now come second nature. This dramatically reduces the challenge, causes boredom, and creates a dilemma for the employee.
The problem with the above scenario is that it could be resumed in a new career. This means that the employee will change his career every few years. If the only reason you think about changing your career late in your life is because of boredom with familiarity, you may have made the wrong decision. In this case, it may be better for you to stay in the same profession, only with a different company and a new environment.
It shows energy and life.
You must do your part to overcome the age-old prejudices you will encounter. Once called for an interview, show the energy and leadership of someone under the age of 20. This indicates that you are still far from the ravages of a lifetime.
Be ready
The most important way to deal with a late-career change is to be mentally and financially prepared. Be sure to save a nest egg if the new career project doesn’t take off. Ironically, you may have to get rid of all the thoughts of failure in your head and approach this new career directly. This will probably be your last foray into the workplace. Make sure you give 100% of your soul and heart. If so, you could be one of our growing success stories regarding changing careers into a nap.