- by Cate Winny
The charges for most child support cases are made by the court, as part of the criminal justice system. The judge or magistrate will hear the case and make a judgment call on how much support is owed, but the amount isn’t written into law. Therefore, you need the help of a civil lawyer to argue for your next child support payment based on your unique situation.
Our attorneys are board-certified trial attorneys, and have a proven track record of excellence in family court cases. When you retain our attorneys, you can rest easy knowing you will have professional legal representation with a proven track record.
Child Support Lawyer
In most cases, the state will collect the child support payments directly from the person who is actually paying child support. The state is going to send a notice to you when the new amount is being collected. You will need to pay the new amount until the court can determine that the previous amount is inaccurate. Once the court decides the current child support payment is wrong, the court will then issue a new document that includes the new amount. If you are still refusing to pay the correct amount, the state will now bring a new criminal case against you in order to collect the back child support payment.
When you hire a child support Houston tx, you can rest easier knowing that the judge and the state are going to make sure you are paying the correct amount of support. Our attorneys are well-versed in child support laws and best practices, and they will make certain that you are legally entitled to the best services from the state.
Child support varies from state to state, but every state has the basic requirements for child support payments. For example, the more than one child that you have, the more child support you will be required to pay, and you may be required to pay child support for several years. In some states, single parents can be required to pay child support indefinitely, no matter how old their child is when the obligation ends. In some states, an obligor parent can be required to pay up to 100% of their child’s medical, dental, and orthodontic expenses.
The state will also send bills to you that inform you of the new amount of child support that must be paid. In most states, child support begins with the date of birth of the child, and any payments you make that are in excess of the required payment after the birth date of the child are considered voluntary payments.